Folio Blog

I write mostly about programming — sometimes graphic design or illustration. This blog is a collection of my favorite work.

Lazy Haskell

Implementing non-strict semantics in a strict language.

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Learning from the Masters

I learn to program by reading other people's code.

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Arithmetic and the Stack

I build a stack-based calculator in Scheme.

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Haskell Kernels and Scheme

Haskell kernels help me write better macros.

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Macros and Unit Testing

The unit test assert implemented as a Scheme macro.

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The Far Side of Cartooning

Did you know that I'm also a cartoonist?

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CMYK Color Compass

I designed a color wheel to help me better understand CMYK.

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Scheme Calculator

A Scheme calculator and interpreter of symbolic expressions.

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Euclid, Rust, and Vector2D

Vector2D is a struct as implemented by euclid, a Rust 2D graphics library.

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Go PNG Decoder

The PNG decoder struct as implemented in the Go standard library.

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Sharks and Values

I draw a shark and muse on the importance of color values.

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