Jared Clarke

Greater Seattle Area


Former in-home caregiver turned software developer and designer, fluent in HTML, CSS, SVG, JavaScript, and design applications like Sketch and Adobe XD. Literate in Go, Python, and Scheme. Teaching myself Haskell, C, and Rust.


Software Developer and Designer

- Present

Taught myself how to program using web technologies. Used skills to build a web portfolio, jaredclarke.dev, which is comprised of four projects:

  1. Navigation icons that I designed in Sketch and coded in SVG.
  2. A four-function calculator that I built and rebuilt with a handwritten lexer, parser, evaluator and error handler.
  3. A parallax animation that I built with JPEG and PNG image files, CSS keyframes and CSS transforms, and the Document Object Model. Compressed image files with a command-line program I built with the Go standard image library.
  4. A JavaScript library, luka.js, that I built with first-class functions to provide LISP-like functional replacements for a handful of arithmetic operators.

Built an operator precedence parser, Pratt Parser, for arithmetic and symbolic expressions in the Go programming language. Parser API inputs a string and outputs an abstract syntax tree. Robust error handling is a priority, so extra-textual information is provided, both in the abstract syntax tree and in error messaging.

Built a monadic Parser Combinator Library in Scheme. Features include a handful of primitive parsers for letters, numbers, and spaces as defined by Unicode as well as combinators for grammar constructions such as sequencing, repetition, and choice.

In-Home Caregiver

- (4 years 10 months)

Provided in-home, palliative care to my grandmother. Tasks included bathing, toiletries, sorting medications, meal preparation, driving, answering phone calls, writing letters, managing finances, and talking to doctors.


- (5 years 4 months)

Taught myself how to draw and use Adobe Creative Suite to manage my workflow. Used skills to create an eclectic assortment of webcomics, which I published through Weebly’s website builder and web hosting service. Managed my personal domain through Namecheap.

Night Janitor

The Valley Athletic Club LLC
- (2 years 4 months)

Cleaned sinks, toilets, locker rooms, basketball courts, weight rooms, and tennis lounges. Managed the health and safety of evening patrons by ensuring the proper use of equipment.


The Evergreen State College
Bachelor of Arts - BA, English language and literature, general


HTML, CSS, SVG, JavaScript, Document Object Model, Python, Scheme, Go, Haskell, Rust, Git, Github, Functional Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, JSON, Mozilla Developer Network, Sketch, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.